Organic Kingdom

27th October 2014


Today in the group meeting with were given a talk on our next brief Organic Kindom and given some inspiration.
Door that you continue to open.

Could make something in real time (something interactive like pressing a button on a website) or make a moving image, as long as we use sound.
We must present our ideas in a visual treatment. Explain what we want to do, bring your ideas together, show what has inspired you. The treatment can be print, digital or video.
Flamed cursor

Moving Image
Interactive Website

One website they suggested we look at newrafael a website featuring other pointless websites. I really like the idea of making something interactive like this.

Welcome to Coffee

The Welcome to Coffee advert by Taylors of Harrogate combines digital video with natural sounds.
The moving image is quite chaotic and all over the place but it's been paired with soft sounds of birds singing. Which works and contrasts well. This inspired me to think about the link between man made and nature. In today's day and age we are losing touch with nature, I really like the idea of creating an outcome which represents this.

29th October 2014


So far I have two main ideas for the Organic Kingdom project. The first is to create a short moving image video of someones everyday life, getting up, showering making breakfast etc. However I want to swap all of the man made sounds for natural ones. For example when his alarm goes off rather then a usually alarm sound you can hear birds singing as you would in the wild.

Sound Swaps:
Alarm - Birds Singing
Walking - Stepping on leaves
Shower - Rain
Step out the shower - Stepping in a puddle
Opens window on busy road - Calm, birds singing
Eats cereal - Crunches apple

I will need to get a sound recorder and test this out. Unfortunately I can't find any existing video to get inspiration from but I need to also think of more sound swaps else I will just do a morning routine. When filming I don't want the actor to be fully seen just close ups, hands etc.

My next idea which I am still need to experiment is about Using Powder Paint in water. I found this video on Vimeo called Liquid. I think it looks so smart and would love to try something like it out myself. Although It doesn't really have a meaning or a narrative unlike my first idea. I need to do lots of experiments and try to figure out a concept.

30th October 2014

Sound Testing

We have to use at least one of the sounds from the VLE for our outcome. The sounds are all different animal noises which work quite well for my first idea (swapping man-made sounds for natural). I want the noises to be quite basic and so I think I would just pick the bird sounds and use them as an alarm. I decided to test this concept out. Keeping in mind that the sound of rain has only been recorded on my phone is isn't good quality. If I was going with this idea I would take out a sound recorder and record the sound professionally. 

The only worry I have for this idea is that it isn't as broad as other students (who are creating apps, gifs etc). Where as mine will just be a moving image video. 

01st November 2014


I've decided that I want to develop my Sound Swap idea and potentially have it as my final outcome. Although I'm worried that its too narrow and simple. I like the idea of somehow making the video interactive. So that the viewer controls the sound throughout. Like turning the tap on and off, stopping the alarm etc.

We were shown an example video, I would like to try and recreate something similar to this.

I don't know exactly how I would do this so I will need to go some research. When talking to my tutor about it they told me I need necessary need to create the final outcome as long as I have a treatment explaining my thoughts and ideas. I will be able to create the video itself just making it interactive is where I'll struggle.  

04th November 2014

Development - Meaning

I want my outcome for every project to have a meaning. So far all I have for this was is 'Nature vs Man made' but I don't think that's enough. Also by thinking of a meaning I then try to develop my idea to suit that. 

I like the concept of 'keeping nature alive' and trying to stay connected to nature in a technological world. Throughout the video the actor is constantly interacting with man made objects. I want to really enthuse this and show close up footage of the objects in use. I'm not sure if just using sound will make a strong enough connecting to nature.

Development - Interactive

I'm really struggling with working out how to make the footage interactive. I know I don't necessarily have to do this long as I have a detailed treatment but I think it would really work well with adding a connection and emotion linking with the concept. 

I been doing a lot of research and I really can't figure out how to make a interactive video. I started looking into making an image interactive and came across this pointless website.

Where you simply click a image and a noise starts playing. 

13th November 2014

Development.Still image? 

I have filmed a few sequences for my moving image idea. A normal guys morning routine. However when it came to editing the whole thing together it just needed look good. I like the concept behind my idea of replacing man made sounds with natural ones and the idea of how we are losing touch with nature. The moving image just didn't look good so I want to figure out a way to develop it to make it look better.

I want to really take risks and experiment with different ideas.
The main part of the idea is using sounds so I might try to really zone in on that by using using a still image and making it interactive. So if the user clicks on a button eg a radio, birds will start to sing. Then when they click again  it will stop. I think this would be a lot more simple and will help demonstrate the concept more.
I would use a program like Flash to do this, however I have never used Flash before so I need to research into it first.

Sticking with moving image another idea I had is to make the user pick what happens. They chose the story line like the Goosebumps books so you make it relate able to you. I could do this as either something online with moving image or a book (but does that then relate to the brief?).

26th November 2014

Video Outcome 

I decided to go a head and film my moving image sequence. It doesn't look as professional as I would have liked but I am happy with it for helping to demonstrate my idea. I think that the message is quite subtle throughout. The audience are made to really think about what the video is telling them. However to make the message clear by the end of the video I decided to add in text over a black screen that says 'Stop Ignoring the world'.

I think the video is quite powerful and works well.

Visual Treatment  

I wanted to be different with my treatment and make something which explained my idea and was very visual. This may not be the most professional way to create a treatment but I wanted to have fun with it. I decided to draw my ideas out on a whiteboard and add in an over voice to explain my my thoughts. Unfortunately I wasn't able to sped the footage up so much that you it lasted the same amount of time as my over voice so I only was able to use small amounts of the video. Despite this I still think it shows my idea of well. Since I wasn't able to make the actual interactive website I decided to make my video my treatment sightly interactive by adding links to other videos.

Video Treatment:
I've decided to create a video treatment explaining my idea for the Organic Kingdom brief. Rather than just filming myself talking I thought I could be more creative and visual by drawing my ideas out.
 I apologise if this is video is 20 minutes long or something ridiculous like that. Please feel free to pretend you've watched it and continue with giving me a good grade.
For my Organic Kingdom Project I wanted to play around with the concept that we're (as humans) losing touch with nature. Living in the 21st century we're surrounded by manmade objects, technology at our every reach. And even more so for those of us that live in large cities like London/New York where the only nature you'll see is a pigeon with only one foot or a sewer rat or a tree that has been deliberately planted outside a building to make it look more appealing.
My original idea was to create a documentary style video. The video would show the everyday morning of an everyday man, walking up, showering, leaving for work etc.
However to support my concept I would swap all the manmade sounds for natural ones. For example, when he woke up, rather than hearing the beeping of his alarm he would hear birds singing (as he would in a natural environment). When he turns the shower on. Instead of hearing processed hot water, the sound will be of a waterfall.
The video would continue like this throughout. Then when he finally leaves for work the screen will blank and all you can hear are real time natural sounds. 'Stop ignoring nature will then appear on the screen'.
If I could develop this even further I would want to make something interactive because I feel if the audience were interacting the message would be stronger. I found a pointless website called 'Break glass to sound'. When you first enter the website you'll be shown a 'break here' fire alarm. By simply clicking the glass will smash and an alarm will begin to sound. Simple but effective.
I would want to develop my project into something similar. An empty website with nothing but a radio. When you turn the radio on all you can hear are natural sounds. The user can change the channel - Birds singing, rainforest, all natural. I think the fact that it's interactive would make the message even more effective. And even so, the name of the radio station would be 'Listen to the real world'.

Click on any of the images below to watch the video:


26th November 2014


Although I am not actually making the website I decided to develop it future. 
I don't think just having the radio on it's own demonstrates the message the message strong enough. Although I do want the message to be subtle I'm not sure if just the radio really portrays the message well enough. 
Rather then just the radio after a couple of minutes a new device could appear and which the audience could also interactive with. I think the more devices the more powerful the message. 

Another idea I had is to use one of the most popular devices, a mobile phone. When the screen changes the mobile would start to ring. Just a normal ringtone. The audience can chose whether to ignore nature or to answer and listen to it. 
When the user goes slide the images of the green phone and answer all they will be able to hear is natural sounds, such a birds singing or waves crashing. 

I also thought that a television would work well. Like the radio when you turn the video on all you will be shown is a video of a natural landscape or creature in a natural environment. The user can change the channel but they will all be natural. 
I think having a series of devices would make the message even more powerful.